Sunday, October 26, 2008

Food For Thought

The month of October is Adopt A Shelter Dog Month. Laurel Mountain Basket Company is dog friendly and we donate a portion from the sale of all of our pet gifts to several local animal rescue services. I also donate items I know the shelters need to continue to operate. Items like gently used toys, office supplies and laundry supplies. This year I decided to send an e-mail to our clients and let them know, that during the month of October, I was collecting items for the local shelter. I know that our clients are great people but I was amazed at the response we got.

We collected several cases of canned dog and cat food, a big box of office supplies, another box of paper products and laundry supplies. Blankets, towels, pet dishes, collars, and leashes, Hundreds, yes hundreds, of dog and cat toys, all of them in perfect condition, many of them new. Dog beds and three cat condos!

Well, it's November and Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away. To me, Thanksgiving means food and lots of it. We celebrate Thanksgiving with my sister and her family in Connecticut and every year she serves up a wonderfully traditional Thanksgiving meal. Everything from turkey to pumpkin pie with plenty left over for sandwiches for the next day. It was touch and go with the stuffing the first couple of years after she got married since she and her husband wanted to use their family recipe. They've been married now for over 25 years, so I guess it worked out okay.

We are very fortunate but we know there are many who are not. That's why I've decided, since collecting for the shelters was such a success, we are going to collect food for our local food pantry. From now until Thanksgiving day, Laurel Mountain Basket Company will be collecting non perishable food for the Easthampton Food Pantry.

Help share our good fortune, bring your food contributions to the Laurel Mountain Basket Company studio at the Eastworks building at 116 Pleasant Street in Easthampton any time. We filled our Toyota 4 Runner with supplies for the animals, I' m hoping to do the same for the people of Easthampton.

Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Breast Cancer Awareness

Those of you who follow my blog know that I was going to participate in the Terry Brodeur Breast Cancer Foundation Walk Across Southeastern Connecticut. Well, I am here to tell you I made it!!! My niece, Kate, a student at the University of New Hampshire, and I took part in the event on October 4th.

When Kate called me and invited me to walk with her, I immediately agreed, but one of my caveats was that I would donate my time and my feet but I would not raise any money, that would be totally up to her. She agreed. This may seem harsh to you but Kate is 20 years old and an idealist. Been there, done that, got lots of tee shirts. I have raised a lot of money for "causes" , as a business owner I am contacted daily by individuals and organizations wanting money. I have learned that as much as 60% to 80% of money goes to "administrative costs". I will not give my hard earned money nor ask anyone I know to give hard earned money to "causes" when the money does not get to the people it is supposed to help.

After committing to Kate, but before committing to the Terry Brodeur Foundation, I did some checking. Happily I found out that administrative costs of which there are many, are taken care of by soliciting area businesses for fund. These costs are not taken out of the money donated by participants or donors.

Having organized several fund raising events and having volunteered and/or participated in many more, I know that the costs associated with planning and executing one can be substantial. There are printing and mailing costs, for an event such as this, providing water, power drinks, granola bars and fruit for the walkers, transportation, advertising, tee shirts, signage, equipment rental, etc., etc, etc.

My company, Laurel Mountain Basket Company, occasionally will participate as a sponsor for a local event. Most recently we were one of the sponsors for the Whately Triathlon, a fund raiser for the Whately, MA Police Department. In most cases, such a the TBBCF Walk, I prefer to participate.

It was a great experience. Kate has raised most of the $500 pledge herself (she's still working on the last few dollars) and we're already talking about doing it again next year. When I said I would donate my feet, I didn't know how true a statement that was. My feet are KILLING me! I'm glad I plan ahead and scheduled a chiropractic appointment for this morning. I should have scheduled a massage as well.

If you have the opportunity to participate in an event such as this, I encourage you to do so. The experience will be well worth it but I caution you, make sure you are in good shape and that you train hard before hand.

