This morning I read a blog that got me thinking about all of the different kinds of items that go into gift baskets. The author wrote about how much she loved the office breakroom after the holidays because coworkers will bring in items from gift baskets they received.
I think it's great to share. I received a big box of chocolates from my mother in law this Christmas. I love chocolates, and I know I would eat the whole box in short order and regret it soon after. So, I had a couple or three or four and brought the rest in to the Studio to share with customers and the crew.
But, as I said, the blog got me thinking about gift baskets that I have seen and that my family has received, that contained foods we had no interest in ! There were "weird" foods I couldn't imagine who would want to eat.
I include some "interesting" food products in my gift baskets. A couple of examples are Cape Cod's Caviar by Appalachian Naturals and Bog Frogs by Cape Cod Provisions, LLC. Cape Cod's Caviar is a delicious organic cranberry sauce and Bog Frogs are a yummy cranberry, cashew, and caramel chocolate covered candy. The names just happen to be unusual.
When I was forming my business plan for
Laurel Mountain Basket Company I vowed not to include items in my gift baskets that I personally wouldn't enjoy receiving. Because I am not a big fan of spicy foods, I make my husband taste test the salsa, salad dressings, mustards and such while I concentrate on the chocolates and cookies. Our dogs even test the dog treats and toys we use in our pet gift baskets! Taste testing new product is one activity that I don't have trouble recruiting help for.
My husband likes to sample the inventory so much that I am afraid to leave him in the Studio for very long unsupervised. He really loved it when I was operating the business out of the house because there was always a great supply of great snack food within walking distance of his recliner and remote. He especially likes the Ghiraradelli and Guylian chocolates, and Brent & Sam's and Nonni's cookies.
In addition to using these fine gourmet foods, we've searched out many excellent locally made products from companies like
The Tea Guys, Terra Americana, and
The Little House of Thyme to give our gift baskets that New England flavor.
At Laurel Mountain Basket Company our gift baskets are designed in good taste and designed to taste good.