My Dad was a blue collar worker who didn't wear a lot of ties so thinking up a great Father's Day gift that wouldn't strain my baby sitting money budget was not an easy task. Slippers were a good choice but then Mom would have to chip in. So, poor Dad usually ended up with a bottle of Aqua Velva After Shave and a cake of Williams Shaving Soap.
No matter what you get Dad for Father's Day, you know he is going to love it. As Bill Cosby said, "Fatherhood is pretending that the present you love the most is soap-on-a-rope".
You can give Dad a gift he really will love and one that he may even share with you. A night at the movies is a fun gift basket filled with not so gourmet treats that a perfect for gathering the family together to watch the latest DVD or an old time favorite. Fix up a big bowl of micro wave pop corn (included) and munch away. While you're at it check out some of our other Father's Day gift basket designs.
Happy Father's Day!