Friday, September 19, 2008

The Best Dogs In The Universe

I tell my dogs daily that I am very lucky because when I went looking to adopt a dog, I got the best dogs in the Universe. Okay, so I tell little white lies occasionally but you have to understand that their "universe" is rather small.
When we lost our Boarder Collie mix Cassie, my husband was lobbying for two dogs. We work all day and he felt that they could keep each other company. Great in theory but you've heard the expression "two can live as cheaply as one" well, "raising two dogs is as easy as raising one" is just as true. Also, I knew that I would be the one who would be doing 90% of the work, taking them to obedience classes, buying the food, visiting the vet, etc., etc., etc.
I have had a dog companion since I was in college. I've been lucky in that they have all been healthy and had long lives. Each of those four dogs has come from a shelter. So, we called F.A.C.E.S., Inc. in West Springfield, Ma. and arranged to see a litter of puppies they had. The home where the puppies were being cared for (F.A.C.E.S., Inc. is an all volunteer rescue and adoption service so the animals are kept in private homes) was about an hours drive from our house.
As soon as we entered the yard, a little black puppy came up to us. She was so beautiful and so cute, we both knew immediately that she was the dog for us. As I started making arrangements to sign the paperwork and write the check, my husband said, "Look over there. You have to see this other dog. The shy little guy in the corner." Somehow I just knew that if I looked, we would be signing paperwork for two dogs. Now I ask you, could you resist that face? I couldn't.
Two dogs rode home in the cabin of a pick up truck with us that day. Ten years later we are still one big happy family. Our cute little puppies have grown into two beautiful dogs and I've never regretted looking at the shy little guy in the corner and agreeing that we really did need two dogs.
Because we adopted our "best dogs in the Universe" from F.A.C.E.S., Inc. our company, Laurel Mountain Basket Company, donates a portion from the sale of every dog gift basket and dog gift to that organization. Please visit our site, and know that if you purchase one of our beautiful gift baskets, you will not only be giving a favorite pet or pet owner a great gift, you will be helping a wonderful organization.

Friday, September 12, 2008

What Was I Thinking?!

Okay, I know it's for a good cause, the Terri Brodeur Breast Cancer Foundation's 2008 Walk Across Southeastern Connecticut, but when I agreed to do the walk, I didn't stop to think just how far 12 to 15 MILES really is. What was I thinking?

It started so innocently. My niece called and told me she wanted to do a benefit walk. I figured she was going to ask me for a pledge. She's in college now and I don't get to see her very often so when she asked if I would walk with her, I was thrilled. What a great experience it would be.

For the record, I thought I was in good shape. After all, I work out 3 or 4 mornings a week at the gym where I take a step & sculpt class twice a week, work with weights and work out on the machines as well. I take the dogs for a mile fast walk almost every day after work. A simple walk shouldn't be that difficult.

I did realize I would need to do some training. My friend Sue is a personal trainer and enters marathons and triathlons for fun so I asked her to work up a schedule for me. She was very encouraging, telling me I was already in good shape and would be fine. I got my schedule and was ready to rock and roll.

The first time I walked the treadmill for five miles at a steady 4.0 mph, I thought I was going to die! My energy level was still okay. My heart rate and breathing were fine. I just could not move. Every muscle from the waist down simply seized up! I didn't know how I was going to get across the entire gym to the locker room without a stretcher.

It took a very long sauna and hot shower to get me moving again. As long as I didn't make any sudden moves, I was fine. The next day wasn't too bad once I got both feet moving. Stairs were still a big challenge and bending over was totally out of the questions. Well, I'm pretty sure I'm past that now. I'm able to do 5 miles on the treadmill and feel great.

I hope on October 5th I'll be able to report that all went well, I finished the walk and am not in intensive care somewhere. One thing I am sure of, the next time someone asks me to do something like this, I'm going to donate a gift basket instead.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Laughing Out Loud

The other day I received the funniest e-mail I have ever seen. Well, maybe not THE funniest but it sure was close. It made my day!

You don't have to work from home like the character Adam in the comic strip "Adam" to feel isolated in the work place. I work in a studio outside of my home but most of my business is done over the phone or via my website . Don't get me wrong. I love to work alone in an environment without distractions when I'm designing a new gift basket and especially at this time of year when I am designing a full line of gifts and gift baskets for the up coming holiday season.

But eight or ten hours is a long time so I'm really glad I have my on line friends who fill my inbox with the most insane e-mails. There are so many fun things out there that I'd never have time to find on my own. I don't spend time on You Tube but I'm sure glad someone does, because I really enjoy some of the amazing videos found there.

Many of my friends are artists, writers, crafters, designers of one sort or another or other professionals who also work solo. Swapping silly e-mails with them is a great way to take a break and spread some cheer.

There are days when you will catch me LOL for real. I especially enjoy photos and videos of cats and dogs (or any animal really) doing something silly. I love the Cats on a Treadmill and the Moose with the Sprinkler type videos. They are too cute and hysterically funny.

Be a good friend and share a laugh today!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Where Does The Time Go?

I like to get to the Studio early. The uninterrupted quiet time before my fellow shop keepers and the pubic arrive is great for getting lots of work done. The other day I arrived at the Studio at 6:00 a.m. and worked until 3:00 p.m. On my way home, I was reviewing my day and felt that I hadn't done much in all that time. I realized that a huge chunk of my time was taken up with one simple project, getting my monthly e-mail ready to send to my clients. I couldn't believe that one simple e-mail could take hours to prepare.

I love using e-mail to communicate with my clients and the technology allows me to do so many things. I can link to other sites or link to specific pages on my own site including the pages containing the gift baskets we are featuring that month and our on line newsletter. I can add photos of our gift baskets and other graphics.

In the olden days (eight or ten years ago) this part of my marketing campaign consisted of sending out a monthly newsletter. Done in a simple format, the newsletter was a single page and the graphics consisted of a piece of clip art or two. The cost of sending a newsletter with photos of our actual gift baskets was far too expensive for our young company so we settled for black and white clip art of something related to whatever we were talking about in the newsletter.
Once the newsletter was completed I would take it to the copy center, have it copied on colored paper and folded. We handled the mailing list ourselves until the client list got too large to easily manage in house, then we hired a mailing service.
You would think that using a computer and e-mail would be much easier and more efficient than hand mailing a couple of thousand newsletter. Not so. It all has to do with choices. When we were using black and white clip art, our choices were limited. With e-mail we have full color options and can use photo images. We can now use actual photos of our gift baskets and the web is full of beautiful images that we use to illustrate and add to the topic of the newsletter. I love but there are several good sites where you can purchase great images very reasonably and not have to deal with copyright issues. The problem is that there are so many great images you can spend hours searching for the "perfect" one.
I fact check as much as possible and depending on the content of the message, this can take some time. I also include a quote that pertains to the message so I need to do a search for an appropriate one. Reading quotes can be fun so this part of the project can take even more time.
Before you know it, hours have flown by but I think it is well worth it.
If you'd like to be added to our e-mail list and receive our fun and informative monthly e-mail including discounts and other web only offers, just go to our website at and sign up right on the home page. It's getting late, got to get back to work. Hey, thanks for your time!