Okay, I know it's for a good cause, the Terri Brodeur Breast Cancer Foundation's 2008 Walk Across Southeastern Connecticut, but when I agreed to do the walk, I didn't stop to think just how far 12 to 15 MILES really is. What was I thinking?
It started so innocently. My niece called and told me she wanted to do a benefit walk. I figured she was going to ask me for a pledge. She's in college now and I don't get to see her very often so when she asked if I would walk with her, I was thrilled. What a great experience it would be.
For the record, I thought I was in good shape. After all, I work out 3 or 4 mornings a week at the gym where I take a step & sculpt class twice a week, work with weights and work out on the machines as well. I take the dogs for a mile fast walk almost every day after work. A simple walk shouldn't be that difficult.
I did realize I would need to do some training. My friend Sue is a personal trainer and enters marathons and triathlons for fun so I asked her to work up a schedule for me. She was very encouraging, telling me I was already in good shape and would be fine. I got my schedule and was ready to rock and roll.
The first time I walked the treadmill for five miles at a steady 4.0 mph, I thought I was going to die! My energy level was still okay. My heart rate and breathing were fine. I just could not move. Every muscle from the waist down simply seized up! I didn't know how I was going to get across the entire gym to the locker room without a stretcher.
It took a very long sauna and hot shower to get me moving again. As long as I didn't make any sudden moves, I was fine. The next day wasn't too bad once I got both feet moving. Stairs were still a big challenge and bending over was totally out of the questions. Well, I'm pretty sure I'm past that now. I'm able to do 5 miles on the treadmill and feel great.
I hope on October 5th I'll be able to report that all went well, I finished the walk and am not in intensive care somewhere. One thing I am sure of, the next time someone asks me to do something like this, I'm going to donate a gift basket instead.
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